Burra Hall is owned by Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council (QPRC) and is maintained jointly by Council and a local community committee, the Burra Cargil Parks Management Committee (BCPMC). The BCPMC sets hire fees, manages bookings for the Hall and pays for electricity and any other on-going fees. BCPMC also organises volunteer teams to do some small maintenance work around the Park and Hall and QPRC (sometimes in conjunction with volunteers) handles larger maintenance tasks, such as slashing the grass on the oval and cleaning the public toilets. Improvements to the Hall and Park are usually paid for with the aid of grants or donations from community-minded groups (Lions, Rotary, Clubs NSW, etc.) and well-disposed individuals. The assets at the Park include:

  • The Hall, with a fully-equipped kitchen, storage space, cleaning equipment, heating and cooling, and is available for hire at advertised prices.
  • An Annex, currently used by the Tennis Club, the Arts Group and the Scouts.
  • Tennis courts.
  • Public toilets.
  • Children’s playground.
  • Cricket pitch.
  • Free barbecue area.
  • Seating and shade trees throughout the Park.

The Hall is available for hire for weddings, parties, meetings, presentations and so on.  Contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

General maintenance on the Park and Hall assets is carried out by the groups that use them, with the aid of QPRC, as necessary, for larger items.

The management Committee (the BCPMC) is a Committee that is appointed by Council, after recommendations from the local community, and is referred to as an s.355 Committee. The minimum size of the Committee is 4 and a maximum of 12, and meetings are held as necessary, but at least 4 times a year. Ideally, members of the Committee are representative of users of the Hall and Park.  QPRC has prepared a set of guidlines for s.355 Committees and a copy is available here.  The AGM is held at the beginning of the calendar year and the latest minutes (including names and contact details of the members) is available here.   The minutes of the latest meeting are available here.